Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Doom Scrolling

 It impossible to stop watching this train wreck, that is the death of our country.

To be clear, I don't think the collapse of capitalism is a bad thing, far from it. But the descent into fascism is not what should happen next. We are fucked.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Inspirational Video

 I'm not much for inspiration videos, and not a big fan of most of his work, but in the first few seconds of this speech Jim Carrey said something that really hit home. "You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love".

I'll add that not failing at what you don't want isn't that great either.

Why do people want to see others fail?

 What's in it for them?

If someone else fails why do they care? 

There is no competition, nothing to be gained.

I don't get it.

Wouldn't it be nice

 Listening to  Making It podcast this morning. They talked a lot about being on the artistic spectrum, which was interesting. But what really hit home was the observation about how some people, that may have had a small amount of artistic abilities were often told to play it safe, and not pursue that passion. Although I don't consider myself very artistic, I have always had dreams of doing things, like filling the farm with garden gnomes, or getting tattoos, or letting my hair grow to a massive pony tail. Or even things like gardening as a primary focus for the farm. But I cannot allow myself to follow these dreams, it's not allowed.

I don't know why I can't get over this. 

I often wonder what it would be like to be the kind of person that follows their heart, that has the courage to be that free. It must be wonderful, freeing, amazing.

Friday, March 13, 2020


I don't envy people that have more money, better cars, more things than me.
I don't envy people who are fitter, faster, better looking than me.
I don't envy people who are smarter than me.

I envy people that have the strength to be themselves and follow their hearts and dreams. What a life that must be.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Focusing on one thing, to have a better chance at being successful feels like giving up on my dreams.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Too anxious

What do you do if you are too scared to join even an online community, never mind IRL

"I'm an introvert"

If you declare to the world on a podcast that you are an introvert, you aren't.
If you were you wouldn't be on a podcast
No one would know who you are

Fake it 'till you make it

What happens if you never make it?
I fake being happy
I fake being alive
I fake enjoying anything I do
I fake enthusiasm
I always have
What does it get me
No one cares
No one is close enough to see that I'm a fake

Monday, February 10, 2020

Fear of antidepressents

What happens if they work
I wake up and truly understand what it means to not live under the cloud of depression
How do you live with that knowledge
Having lived for 55 years, and never been happy
Not once, not true unadulterated happiness
There is always that darkness
What if it's gone
What does that mean
All the things that didn't get done
Can't go back and do them over
That's not how it works
Those times are gone
Those people are gone
Those loves are gone
Lost to the past
And nothing can compare to them, even now
What about the people I hurt through my depression
Can I forgive myself
Do they even care
Did they really get hurt
Unfortunately I know I hurt them
I live with that knowledge every single day
It is a huge burden
A weight
It is soul crushing
The past poisons every moment of every day
It adds to the cloud of depression
guilt, remorse, loss
I often think about key decisions
I don't try to play out how things would be different in that alternate timeline
But I am aware that it is there, that something could have been different
I carry all this every day
But I can't put it down
What am I without that
And how would I deal with having all that pain lifted
How do you go on if you realize what you missed

Cleaning Up

Maybe related to this trendy declutter movement, I'm not sure. But I've decided to actively limit my distractions, starting with podcasts. This may seem like a small thing, but I think it is an important step.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Low Low

I'm deep in a depressive episode. Nothing is helping. I have never watched so much tv. Just muscling through doesn't feel like it's going to work this time. Fake it until you make it, I don't think so.

There are so many things I want to do, but I just sit. Paralyzed.
I don't game
I don't code
I don't run
I don't model
I don't plan for the farm
I don't read

Is it depression, or am I just lazy. Do I need to accept the fact that I don't have what it takes to be any more than this?

I think about all the talk about cluttered life, and I see the clutter closing in on me. Junk falls onto my keyboards, I barely have enough room to move my mouse. Do I need to clean up? Will it matter?
IDK I doubt it. Nothing else seems to make a difference.

I read a book "Depression Hates a Moving Target"
It actually inspired me a little, which is saying something. These types of book usually don't resonate with me at all.
The other side of the coin is that this book made me feel like I can't even do depression and anxiety right. As I read about what the author went through I felt like my issues are nothing. So if they are nothing, why are the affecting me? Because I am weak and worthless. I'm not "really" depressed, so I must just be lazy. If I was really depressed I wouldn't be able to get our of bed. If I had real anxiety, I wouldn't be able to leave the house. But I do all that stuff.
 I call myself a functional depressent. I don't think that's a thing, but it is for me. I liken it to being a functional alcoholic. Sure they may drink too much, but not enough for anyone to notice. Not enough for anyone to care. But enough to destroy my life, and the lives of people around me.

I don't know that these things are, how to talk about them, how to address them.
So I just plod along and wait for this low low to get better. And do it all over again.