Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Made my week

Last weekend my #runningbuddy commented on how I am an over achiever. Boy had that made me feel great all week! There is no small amount of guilt that goes along with everything I do. There is almost no peace. When I am running I am free of that, but I usually get a comment from someone that makes me feel bad about taking that time out of my schedule. All of which adds up to making me constantly feel like a loser, and that  I don’t do enough, that I am lazy and good for nothing. To get a positive comment like that is really great. I have been thinking about it all week. Really boosts my spirits.

Thanks Beth!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Under a microscope

It seems like everyone watches what I do, from family to complete strangers. And they all are waiting for me to fail. I don't know why? Is this just me?

How come there isn't any milk, aren't you going to keep the farm going?
You know what, Fuck You.
I think I'm going to start telling everyone that we are going to sell  the whole fucking place for a power plant. See what kind of shit storm that causes.